Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays
This poses me to ask the question when we were little kids what did you guys have as your Christmas traditions, was it a big family meal at one house then with some present opening? Was it relaxing the day before the sleeping and waiting for Santa to come to your house? Did you go to sleep on Christmas Eve early and wake up early on Christmas morning to open presents?
What did you guys do then and what do you guys now? Is there any difference and what traditions do you truly enjoy during this holiday season.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dreaming of a White Christmas? How about Green Grass and Sunshine
Which is fine, and great, but right now as I write this piece I am currently snowed in with no where to go. My car is in the auto body shop from an accident I had on Friday coming home from school after taking my last final (thank you so much CCSU administration and President Miller). Not having a car is painful, not that I would be going anywhere today most likely but not having the option is gnawing at me.
Having snow on Friday was fine, it was nice to wake up and see snow on the ground giving us a change from the grass that was covered in frost.
Today though, I have had enough of the snow that is continuously falling outside. I am sick of having to shovel my driveway and sidewalks it’s just frustrating. I am sick of not being able to drive because the roads in Hamden are not drivable right now. Lastly I am sick of everyone saying how nice it is that we are having snow for Christmas.
People its nice that we have snow on the ground for the holiday, I get it, but give me green grass and sunshine on the days leading up to Christmas because that way I can do things with my friends instead of being stuck at home watching the New England Patriots versus the Arizona Cardinals because there is no other sporting even on T.V. right now.
You can say I am not into in the holiday spirit, that maybe true but you try having to do nothing for the third consecutive day and tell me it wouldn’t be wearing on you.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Central Lets the Students Down
With every meteorologist calling for a massive amount of snow on Friday that would make the drives home for the students and many others treacherous, Central a commuter school for the most part decided that we students should still have our scheduled exams.
The school decided it was in the “best interest” of the students to take their finals, rather than be able to pack up and early drive home to beat the weather that was soon to encompass the state.
Why did we have to take our exams when the governor sent the state employees home because it would have been unsafe for them to drive home at the time they normally would have had to leave from work, while almost every school district in the state was closed for the day? The smart decision would have been to postpone the exams to keep the students from having to drive home in the snow. Central though decided that we students should take our exams.
What options could the school have come up with rather than make the students take their finals on Friday.
Option 1: The school could have moved finals back until Saturday, Monday, or until after the winter break.
Option 2: If they really wanted to have us take our finals the school should have let us stay in our dorms until Saturday morning instead of kicking us out by 3 o’clock on Friday.
This may be a trivial issue to many of you who were either out of school already and were safely home, but for those of us who had the unfortunate adventure of having to brave the highways to get home from school this was not a fun experience.
President Miller and the rest of the school should be ashamed of themselves for making the students take exams when the weather was so bad outside or was just getting bad when we had to make our trips home, when there were two very solid options at the schools disposal.
I will close this by saying shame on you President Miller and Central Connecticut State University; you guys decided that the exams scheduled for Friday were more important than those of students who pay a good amount of money to attend your university. Professor Matthew Warshauer was right in suggesting the faculty senate propose a vote of no confidence in you last year. I now feel the same; I have no confidence in you or the school to protect the students.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Television: A Cause of Teen Pregnancy?
Teenagers who watch a lot of television programs that are rich in sexual content are twice as likely to become pregnant according to a November 2008 study by the journal Pediatrics. The journal Pediatrics was reportedly the first study to come out with a real correlation between television and teen pregnancy.
From 2001 to 2004, about 2,000 adolescents from age 12 to 17 were surveyed across the nation by the RAND Corporation, nonprofit research cooperation about their television habits and their sex lives. The survey focused on 23 television programs popular among teenagers such as dramas, comedies, reality programs and animated shows having sexual content such as discussion or depiction. After three years, the teens were surveyed once again and 700 out of the 2,000 admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse by the third survey. According to the study, about 1 million adolescents become pregnant each year in the
Teens are being brainwashed by media that sex is ok at any age really, at least that is what Serena and Blair are telling young girls who watch Gossip Girl every Monday night after they finish their homework.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Speaking of Gov. Blagojevich

Deadly Crash
The whole ordeal is terribly sad and it got me to thinking about how bad the pilot must have felt. He lost both engines and was put in a life or death situation over a populated area when he was just supposed to be training. That must have been ridiculous. What would you do in that situation though? If you don't eject you go down with the plane and would probably end up crashing into the same home anyways? Would there have been enough time for the pilot to have steered clear of the home if he had stayed in the plane longer before ejecting? Would you risk your own life to possibly save others that may or may not be in the homes below. There is no way the pilot knew that people would even be in their homes at the time or that the plane would end up crashing exactly on a house rather than in a yard or something? I was just wondering what people think about the accident?