Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black FridayTragedy

For our class assignment due this week I wrote Twas the Night Before Black Friday poem joking about how crazy people get about the after turkey shopping day. I was astonished to hear about two tragedies that occurred yesterday at two popular stores: WALMART and TOYS R US. People were so eager to rush into a Walmart near the Green Acres Mall that they literally bent the frames on the doors and trampled a worker to death. The store says they had ample security on hand for the busy morning rush of consumers, but is the issue really the security available or the over eager greedy american consumers who will literally walk over a body to get to the nearest Tickle me Elmo?
That wasn't the only incident of violence yesterday, two gunmen killed eachother in the electronics department of a Toys R Us in Palm Desert California. Police and the store believe the shootings occured due to a personal dispute that had nothing to do with Black Friday. Honestly though how could you choose a toy store where children are abundant to take out a feud? Black Friday is getting too out of control. Mothers were fleeing with their infants and children were exposed to violence on a day that should have been about peace and the spirit of giving, not killing.
I don't beileve stores take into account the safety percautions that need to be put in place for a day when so many shoppers pile into stores for great deals. In our society you never know what can take place in a crowded group of people are eager for a deal. Things are not sugar and spice and everything nice like they used to be. More and more stores now open early to offer blow out sales and that means there are even more oppurtunities for people to get hurt in the process.
People should just start their shopping in August or at least avoid the big sales crowds. Shop online if you have to.


Kara Hoffman said...
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Kara Hoffman said...

Black Friday is probably the strangest event out of the whole year... some people even consider it a 'holiday.' I'd like to say that the economy we've been experiencing has pushed more people to go out on this day, but Shoppertrak, a website that follows consumer reports, showed that people still managed to spend 10.6 billion dollars on that day alone! ( What is the sneaky culprit behind this phenomenon? Personally, I would never wake up at 2 in the morning to enter a war-zone and in this case, crazed mothers looking for the newest Hannah Montana doll at 20% off is scarier than any nuclear bomb.